Facility Update: The Y will have a delayed opening of 12pm on Sunday, 2/9. Click here to learn more.

New Canaan YMCA

Sustainability Initiative

Sustainability Initiative

A More Sustainable Y and a Shelter for our Community

Project Overview

The New Canaan YMCA recognizes that the well-being of our community is dependent upon the care and preservation of our environment. With this in mind, and in furtherance of our dedication to social responsibility, in 2022 we launched a sustainability initiative. Our primary goals are to operate our facility with greater environmental consciousness and to establish the Y as a ready and reliable emergency shelter for the Town of New Canaan.

Our initiative is organized into three phases: conversion to LED lighting, the addition of electric vehicle chargers, and most significantly, the installation of an efficient energy-producing Combined Heat and Power generator (CHP) and Energy Storage System. CHP will reduce the Y’s environmental footprint and dependence on our local electric grid and establish the New Canaan YMCA as New Canaan’s official emergency shelter.

Phase One: LED Lighting (Completed)

The first phase of our initiative was to convert all interior and exterior lights at our facility to more environmentally efficient LED lights. Not only did this change help us to reduce energy consumption, but it improved our lighting. Our Y interior is now filled with light that mimics natural light, an effect known to improve mood and well-being, and our exterior is better lit and more secure.

Phase Two: Electric Vehicle Chargers (Completed)

The second phase of our initiative was the installation of four, level II, electric car chargers. Fairfield County leads the State in electric car ownership – a fact borne out by the many electric vehicles found in our parking lot each day. The Y’s investment in providing electric car chargers for the convenience of our community is consistent with its commitment to social responsibility and encourages our community to embrace clean transportation and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.  We are proud to have partnered with Karl Chevrolet to make this phase possible and are grateful for their support.

Phase Three: Combined Heat and Power Generation and Energy Storage System (In progress.  Target completion: Spring 2025)

The capstone of the Y’s sustainability initiative is the installation of CHP coupled with a battery for energy storage. Our 285 kilowatt generator will enable the Y to produce an estimated 80% of its daily electric needs on site, thereby increasing efficiency, reducing reliance on our local grid, and reducing the Y’s operating expenses. Our battery storage system will facilitate the storage of energy produced by CHP for use during times of peak demand and for transitioning on and off the power grid during outages.

A Community Shelter established through Partnership and Support from our Town and Community

In the aftermath of historic storms Sandy and Irene, the New Canaan YMCA mobilized efforts to source and install diesel generators, enabling it to open its doors to a community in need of electricity, hot showers, and comfort. The success of these efforts was subject to a competitive and time-consuming process, and dependent upon the advance warning and accuracy of weather forecasts. The Y’s CHP system will have “black start” capability, meaning that it can function as an emergency generator, independent from the electric grid, thereby enabling the YMCA to commit to service as the Town’s official emergency shelter.

The Town of New Canaan allocated $500K of the funds it received under the American Rescue Plan Act in support of our initiative. Additionally, the New Canaan Community Foundation awarded the YMCA a generous grant of $100K, citing the impactful and long-lasting benefits the Y’s Energy Initiative will bring to the community and environment.  We are proud to be collaborating with the Town of New Canaan and the New Canaan Community Foundation in this initiative that will make our community more sustainable, safer, and better prepared for emergency situations.

To learn more about the Y’s sustainability initiative, contact Margaret Riley, Executive Director at [email protected].