Facility Update: The Y will have a delayed opening of 12pm on Sunday, 2/9. Click here to learn more.

New Canaan YMCA

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Cancer Survivor Program Returns

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Cancer Survivor Program Returns

The New Canaan YMCA welcomed back its LIVESTRONG at the YMCA cancer survivor program this fall, supporting cancer survivors throughout their journey to remission.  Funded by donations to the Y, this program is available for free to any cancer survivor within the community.

Since 2013, over 100 cancer survivors in our community have participated in the 12-week, research-based program, which strives to fulfil the important need of supporting the increasing number of cancer survivors who find themselves in the transitional period between completing their cancer treatment and the shift to feeling physically and emotionally strong enough to attempt to return to their normal life or their new “normal.” Specially trained and certified Y Personal Trainers work with each participant to fit the program to their individual needs.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the program was placed on hold with the safety of this population as a priority. The New Canaan YMCA proudly welcomed the program back this fall, supporting 11 cancer survivors in both physical and emotional health. Participants met twice a week at the Y working with a LIVESTRONG at the YMCA certified Personal Trainer. The LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program focuses on educating participants about equipment use for cardio and strength training exercises, introducing group exercise classes, and encouraging participants to use the wellness center outside of meeting times throughout the 12-week session. The group enjoyed working out and interacting with each other, trying Qigong/Tai Chi, Zumba, stretching, and more.

“A significant part of recovering from cancer is feeling a sense of control over your future health and feeling cared for. After feeling physically weakened it was exciting to discover that the New Canaan YMCA offered the LIVESTRONG program to help me regain my strength. It has been an added bonus that I have been able to meet and establish friendships with other cancer survivors because they can understand the journey. Participating in the LIVESTRONG program has made me feel positive about my future and I know this is helping my recovery,” shared a current participant.

Another participant shared, “The LIVESTRONG program at the New Canaan YMCA provides an opportunity for cancer survivors to find a way back to strength, stability and fitness. I found that when active treatment ended, I still had a long way to go with my recovery. This program and the excellent trainers provide a safe and instructive environment that can be tailored to the individual. As a bonus, the small group instruction allows for encouragement from other survivors and is very supportive. It is an excellent program, and I am so happy to be a part of it!”

The program is available in over 800 Y communities throughout the country and has helped more than 70,000 cancer survivors. The program is available to any cancer survivor within the community and is offered at no cost. The next session of LIVESTRONG at the YMCA will begin in February 2022. To learn more about the LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program at the New Canaan YMCA, contact Eva Saint at 203-920-1623 or [email protected]. The LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program is made possible through donations. Donations can be made online at www.newcanaanyma.org/donate.